
Committee Letter May 2024

April has been an action-packed month for our club, filled with exciting events and developments. Let's dive into the highlights:

Bunnings Bake Sale:

Our Bunnings Bake Sale was a hit, raising approximately $500! A big thank you to everyone who contributed their delicious treats and to those who supported the sale. Your generosity is greatly appreciated and will contribute to the success of our club. 

Family Fun Day:

Our Family Fun Day was a blast! From face painting to mid-game activities, and cheering on our senior teams, it was a day filled with joy and camaraderie. Thank you to all who attended and contributed to the fun-filled atmosphere. 

Round One Begins:

All our teams have commenced their seasons and are off to a fantastic start. Let's keep up the momentum and continue to support each other throughout the season.

Thursday training sessions have been a bit light lately, so we encourage all members to come down and join in on the fun. Let's make the most of these sessions to sharpen our skills and bond as a team.

In April, we were fortunate to have Lou Ciriello conduct a junior specialized skills session. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and we're thrilled to announce that Lou will be joining us every second week of the month to run skill sessions for both juniors and seniors. Mark your calendars for May 16th and let's elevate our game to new heights!

Maroondah Movement Expo:

We had the pleasure of participating in the Maroondah Movement Expo, where we engaged the older community in walking hockey. It was wonderful to see people getting active and enjoying the sport. A big shoutout to everyone involved in making this event a success! 

Behind the Scenes:

Whether you want to join a team, be part of the committee, or contribute in any way, we welcome your involvement. Remember, many hands make light work, and together, we can achieve great things for our club.

Stay tuned for more updates and events in the coming months. Let's continue to support each other on and off the field and make this season one to remember!

Stay Connected:

And remember to stay connected – if you're not in a team WhatsApp group, please let us know. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Strava. See you on the pitch!

Committee Letter April 2024

It's been a busy month at the Croydon Ranges Hockey Club! Here's a rundown of what's been happening:

Mooroolbark Festival

We were delighted to take part in the Celebrate Mooroolbark Festival on March 17th. It was a fantastic opportunity to engage with the community, meet past and potential players of all ages, and connect with local representatives and community groups. The weather was perfect, and we had a great spot with plenty of shade. A big thank you to our volunteers and players who helped out or dropped by to say hello. Your friendly faces really brightened up the day for us and the community.


Our Hookin2Hockey program has concluded with a strong turnout at our final session, where even the Easter Bunny made an appearance! The feedback from participants has been overwhelmingly positive, with many families expressing interest in continuing with Stick2Hockey. We'll be kicking off our S2H program in term 2, which will be held undercover at Lilydale Heights College to keep our young players dry during the winter months. A special thanks to Jess, Kazz, and the rest of the team for making Hookin2Hockey such a success!


Training has begun at the excellent facilities at YVG. It's been great to see new faces joining us under the lights. We've had quite a few players with little or no experience, as well as those returning to the sport after a break, showing impressive skills and potential. We have some exciting plans for training, including monthly sessions with a skills coach. Please make training a priority and let your coordinator know if you're unable to attend any sessions.

Just a reminder about training times: Juniors (u12's and u14's) train from 6 pm (arriving no earlier than 5:50 pm), Women should be warmed up and ready for a 7 pm start, and Men are welcome to arrive at 7 pm for a warm-up, with training starting at 7:30 pm. All sessions finish at 8:30 pm, and we aim to be out of the car park by 8:40 pm to allow our groundskeeping staff to lock up.

Committee Update:

The Committee has been hard at work this month, with many exciting initiatives in the pipeline. We've been in communication with Maroondah, Yarra Ranges, and various MPs. Keep an eye out for updates on upcoming events, inclusive policies, and our "Welcome to the Season Family Fun Day" on April 28th from 12-3:30 pm. The day will feature hockey skill competitions, face painting, food, drinks, and VL3 games to watch. It's not to be missed – bring the whole family and a picnic blanket!


Lastly, don't forget to register as soon as possible. If you need financial assistance, please reach out – payment plans are available. Visit our website, click 'join now,' and get yourself ready for hockey!

Stay Connected:

And remember to stay connected – if you're not in a team WhatsApp group, please let us know. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Strava. See you on the pitch!

Committee Letter March 2024

Some noteworthy updates from CRHC

Stand Out Cup Success

We are thrilled to announce that this year marked a significant milestone for Croydon Ranges Hockey Club as we entered teams in the Stand Out Cup. This event, held at Footscray Hockey Club, aimed to support the LGBTQIA+ community by promoting positive language and policies. Our two senior and one junior teams showcased their skills in a hockey 5s format, contributing to a memorable day filled with fun. We are proud to champion an inclusive environment, ensuring that everyone feels welcome, comfortable, and recognized in today's game. Keep an eye out for next year's event and consider joining us – it's truly worth it!

Hookin2Hockey and Skills

Our club experienced an exciting start to the year with the launch of our first Hookin2Hockey and junior skills session. The enthusiasm from our younger generation is contagious, and we invite all members to cheer them on and provide support as they grow and develop their skills.

Pre-Season Fitness

Fitness Session at Lilydale Lake: In another first, we hosted our inaugural fitness session at Lilydale Lake. Although it was a modest turnout, participants highly valued the opportunity to kickstart their pre-season fitness journey while fostering new friendships and connections. We encourage you to join us for the next session – let's make fitness a community endeavor! 


Winter Season Registration: As the winter season approaches, we kindly remind everyone to initiate or finalize their registration. Preparation is key, and we want to ensure a seamless experience for all members.

Thank you for your ongoing support, and here's to a fantastic season ahead!

If you would like to discuss anything, please don’t hesitate to connect with us on social media or via

Committee Letter Feb 2024

Dear Members, Players, and Supporters,

As the season draws closer, we thought it best to provide an update on the club's events and planning. Firstly, you may have noticed that we are commencing training and friendly games in mid-February. These will take place on Sundays at Yarra Hills Secondary in Mooroolbark, then moving to Yarra Valley Grammar in March.

This year, we are delighted to have external coaches regularly attending club training sessions to provide specialized skills training

In late February, the Club has two teams attending Hockey Victoria’s Stand Out Cup, an annual pre-season social event designed to celebrate diversity and inclusivity in hockey and take a stand against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia in our sport.

This is the first of several events and special rounds the club has planned, including Pink/Women’s round and Pride, along with the return of Home game dinners.

This year sees both the Men’s and Women’s teams making the move to Vic League, along with Men’s and possibly Women’s Metro teams. Masters will return this year, along with the possibility of entering weekday Men’s and Women’s teams.

Committee Vacant Roles:

Mid-Week Coordinator: Vacant

Junior Sub-Committee

Half Field Junior Facilitator: Vacant

Non-Committee Roles

Safe Hockey Officer: Vacant

Registration day will be on the 18th February; the full details will be released on Team app and social media in the coming days.

If you would like to discuss anything regarding, please don’t hesitate

to connect with the club on

TeamApp or social media.

Presidents Letter Welcome to 2024

Welcome to an exciting year with CRHC

Dear Members, Players, and Supporters,

As we embark on another thrilling year with Croydon Ranges Hockey Club, I extend a warm welcome to each of you. It's an honor to serve as your President and lead this fantastic community of passionate hockey enthusiasts.

Our club has a rich history of camaraderie, sportsmanship, and achievement. This year promises to be no different, with exciting events, challenging matches, and opportunities for personal and team growth.

We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and supported. Whether you're a seasoned player, a new recruit, or a dedicated supporter, your presence strengthens our club.

Throughout the season, we'll strive for excellence on and off the field. Let's embrace the challenges, celebrate victories, and learn from setbacks. Together, we can make this year unforgettable.

I encourage you to actively participate in club activities, engage with your teammates, and contribute to the vibrant spirit that defines Croydon Ranges Hockey Club. Our success is a collective effort, and each member plays a crucial role.



President: Karina Cove

Vice President: 

Secretary: Michael Wright

Treasurer: Shane Cooper

Section Coordinators:

Mens Coordinator: Trent Potter

Womens Coordinator: Emma Munton

Junior Coordinator: Jess Potter

Mid-Week Coordinator: TBC


Events and Inclusion: Saskia Fairfull

Social Media: Hayley Plose

Grants: Adele Greenwood

Sponsorship: Jess (Turtle) Lee

Uniform: Thili Chengodu

New Ground: David Tilker

Umpire: Vacant

Junior Sub-Committee:

Full Field Junior Facilitator: James Scott

Half Field Junior Facilitator: Vacant

Quarter Field Facilitator: Jenni Chivell

Hookin2Hockey: Karen Kimpton

Non-Committee Roles:

IT support: Scott Cove

Safe Hockey Officer: Vacant

Stay tuned for updates on training schedules, upcoming fixtures, and social events. Feel free to reach out if you have any ideas or suggestions that can enhance our club experience.

Thank you for being a part of the CRHC family. Let's make this year a standout chapter in our storied history.

Presidents Report 2023

It is with great pleasure that I present the annual report for the Croydon Ranges Hockey Club, summarising our achievements, challenges, and aspirations over the past year.

The year 2023 has been an exhilarating journey for CRHC, filled with remarkable achievements, memorable events, and the unyielding spirit of our players and supporters. As we approach the end of the year, let's reflect on the highlights that made this year an exceptional one for our club.

Women's Team Premiership Victory

Our club is immensely proud to announce the extraordinary triumph of our women's team, securing the premiership in a hard-fought and inspiring season. Their unwavering dedication, teamwork, and skill have set a new standard for excellence within our club and the broader sporting community. The victory was a testament to the talent and commitment of our women's team players, coaches, and support staff.

Juniors in Seniors

One of the defining elements of our club this year was the seamless integration of our talented junior players into senior teams. The commitment, enthusiasm, and skill of our juniors have not only bolstered the strength of our senior teams but also highlighted the club's emphasis on nurturing young talent. 

Our recent trivia and presentation nights were a resounding success, bringing our club community together to showcase talents, strengthen our presence in the community and celebrate the achievements of our players. The evening was filled with excitement, acknowledging individual and team accomplishments, recognizing dedicated volunteers, and fostering a strong sense of camaraderie among players and supporters. 


With 126 members throughout the 2023 season, we have entered teams competing in a variety of competitions.

3 x Summer Mixed


2 x U10 1/4 field 1 x U10 1/2 field 2 x U12 1/2 field 1 x U14 full field


Masters 45years + Pennant E Men Metro 2 Men Pennant E Men

Our Women’s Pennant E team won the premiership for 2023, our U14's team made it into finals and our Pennant E Men only missed out on finals due to a win ratio. Congratulations to all teams!

We've worked diligently to make hockey more accessible to all members of the Outer East community, welcoming individuals of diverse ages, abilities, and backgrounds to participate in our club activities. In particular, I would like to highlight the consistent modifications and implementations Jess Potter has incorporated into the junior program to cater for those neuro diverse players. 

Our efforts to foster community engagement have been fruitful, bringing together individuals from varied walks of life, promoting unity, understanding, and sportsmanship. We have received a large amount of positive feedback from our signage within the Yarra Ranges and Maroondah shires, increased social media presence and participation at Maroondah Festival, SPJE Fete, and Bunnings BBQ’s. The community has been positive about our presence.

Development Initiatives

The club has undertaken several development initiatives, focusing on skill enhancement programs and infrastructure improvements to elevate the overall experience for our members. Our involvement in a Hockey 5’s program during both Winter and Summer has been extremely beneficial. 

Even amid the summer heat, our athletes are unstoppable, showcasing their brilliance in the ongoing summer competition. Remarkably, 16 players have either rejoined CRHC after a hiatus of one or more winter seasons or joined for the first time, courtesy of our thriving summer teams. These teams foster not only familial bonds, allowing spouses, siblings, and children to play together, but also reignite friendships, uniting our community once more. 

Financial Sustainability

Like many organisations, financial sustainability remains a challenge. We continue to seek innovative ways to ensure that our club remains financially stable while keeping our activities affordable for all.

Ground Access

We were unsuccessful in securing land for our own ground this year, however, discussions continue with both Yarra Ranges Council, Maroondah Council and State and Federal Leaders. We also did not have access to Yarra Valley Grammar at the conclusion of the season due to school ground availability. Communication has resumed with YVG to secure access for 2024. Securing our own facilities continues to be an ongoing priority to provide the best possible environment for our members.

Looking ahead, we are excited about the prospects that lie before us. Our primary focus for the next year includes:

Continued Inclusivity

We will persist in our commitment to inclusivity, striving to eliminate barriers and create a welcoming environment for everyone interested in hockey.

Upskilling and Educating

2024 will see an increase in opportunities for members to upskill, gaining accreditations in coaching (with a focus on inclusivity) and umpiring.

Sustainability Measures

We aim to implement sustainable practices to ensure the longevity of our club, seeking partnerships, sponsorships and avenues to enhance our financial stability.

Enhanced Member Experience

Efforts will be dedicated to further enhancing the overall member experience through skill development programs, expanded opportunities, and facilities.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated members, players, coaches, volunteers, sponsors and fans for their unwavering support and dedication throughout the year. Your contributions have been the invaluable, driving force behind the success of our club. Together, we've made this year an unforgettable chapter in our club's history.

As we gather for this Annual General Meeting, I invite your active participation, feedback, and ideas. Together, let us continue to propel Croydon Ranges Hockey Club toward greater heights.

Warm regards,

Karina Cove

President, Croydon Ranges Hockey Club